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Showing posts from July, 2017

College Prices are Soaring

It’s no secret that college is pricey these days. Yet, some people do not truly comprehend how much it has increased. The causes are pretty apparent. The most elegant way to put it, According to is, “If you artificially inflate demand for something and don't let supply adjust, prices will go up.” To put it in non-economical lingo, if everyone wants more of something and you don’t create more, the cost of what already exists will go up drastically as there is less to go around for an increasing amount of people. Data from the college board shows the trend over the course of 35-36 years. Feel free to leave a comment! Sources: Gobry, Pascal-Emmanuel. "The Reason Why College Is So Expensive Is Actually Dead Obvious." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 07 Aug. 2013. Web. 25 July 2017. "Tuition and Fees and Room and Board over Time, 1976-77 to 2016-17, Selected Years." Tuition and Fees and Room and Board over Time, 1976-77 to 2016-17...

Why do Women Graduate faster than Men Now?

According to the U.S. Department of Education, only 59% of college undergraduates are able to graduate on time(on time being 4 years). Within this brackets, the Department of Education says that females graduate more on time than males in both public(61% vs 55%) and private(68% vs 62%) institutions. The National Bureau of Economic Research gives many reasons for this shift.They start off by saying that women were in better financial conditions post World War II and were likely to enroll in universities. Then the next factor was that women started to marry later in their lives, enabling them to be serious students instead of being occupied with finding husbands. The last reason was the introduction of the contraceptive pill which allowed women to plan out their futures in a better and safer way. Sources: Why Do...
What is Common Core Doing? It’s time to face reality. Common core was a program of study designed to create people who were able to assimilate information on the most basic level. They were given enough knowledge to be able to read a text and do some basic math. However, the job market has changed. Companies require people who can analyze numbers and texts in order to take decisions. Yet the education system in place is still designed to produce face value comprehension skills. There is something really wrong in this approach. The Washington Post has pointed out that ever since common core was implemented, dropout rates have increased from 15% to 30%.  U.S. Secretary of Education John King himself has conceded that this system is designed such that 70% of students will fail. A Huffington Post article says, “In 2013, 39% of students were considered ready for college math and 38% were prepared for college-level reading. But in 2015, only 37% were prepared for college”. Why then a...